Mary Day 6

Day 6 was awesome - as you'll see from the pictures.
One picture you will not see, however, is that we had a monumental morning with Mary dropping her first deuce since we got her. Yes, she had gone more than five days without relief. She needed a little chemical and mechanical coaxing, but the package was delivered before breakfast and she perked up almost immediately. She's still got a cold and is teething like a banshee, but is no longer (at least for now) complicated.
The day began with a trip up a mountain that overlooks Chengsha. It's a popular destination for locals looking for a day away, or to get some exercise. There, we were more of an attraction than the scenic overlook to most people, but there was a group of university students that seemed particularly fascinated by us and were surreptitiously trying to take our pictures with their camera phones. When we started taking our own pictures, they asked if they could take one themselves and we invited them in to join us. It was so cool. They wanted to practice their English and mimicked anything we said. Chengsha is a big city, but doesn't get many tourists, so we were quite an oddity.
From there, we went to WalMart, yes, WalMart. It was PACKED, like XMas Eve packed. We did a little shopping and were, again, the focus of a lot of attention.
Feeling very much at home, we decided to close the morning with lunch at Pizza Hut and were sat by the window so passersby could stop and stare.
The whole day was awesome.
Tonight, the packages we ordered at the photo studio will be delivered to our hotels and I'll post something if I can.
Today's Images:
View from the mountaintop
Us with the Homans. They are from Ohio and are traveling with us. They picked up Paul and brought their oldest daughter Natalie along for the ride. We've certainly had a great time hanging out with them.
Us with the students
WalMart sign
WalMart's product-lined escalator - no wasted space
NOT the pet department at WalMart - the Seafood Aisle (A giant fish jumped from the tank and just as Leigh was grabbing for it with a run to the river and fish freedom on her mind, our guide tossed it back in...WOW)
NASCAR fan at Chengsha WalMart
Pizza Hut
Leigh and Mary in our Chengsha hotel room
Oh the relief of a duece... it can make anyone happier... I love all the pics and again, she is sooooo cute.
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