Mary Day 3 Part III

As the day went on, whatever animal, mineral or vegetable was providing the propulsion for the re-entry of Mary's food to our universe subsided and she started feeling better. No doubt, as Uncle Peter noted in his comment, the menu she enjoyed the previous day may have been a contributing culprit. Rookies...
She was still fussy and tired, but had a long catch after an afternoon nap, throwing her bears to Leigh (the pictures are from that). She throws with equal flair with both her left and right hands, so she must be amphibious. We took her for a walk around the hotel and even managed dinner in a public place. After some more dancing and music, we all hit the hay at around 9:00pm. It is now 6:30am and Mary is just beginning to stir.
Although I'm sure very few of you care about things non-Mary, I will post some travel notes later today. After breakfast, we are going to an embroidery factory where they work with silk, so there might be some pictures from that, but at the very least, I'll hopefully get a few shots of the crazy traffic/driving.
It's so fun to read your blog. Every morning in China the first thing we would do is boot up the laptop to read everyone's comments. It was like Christmas every morning. I so hope Mary is feeling better and you are all well. Just wanted you to know we're following along and are so happy for you. Jena
PS There is french children's shop a few doors down from the hotel on the left that has the cutest shoes!
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