Mary Day 5

Today was fairly uneventful.
In the morning, Mary figured out how to drain her bottle without one of us holding it.
She's still feeling bad. Between teething, constipation and having a cold, she's a mess. But she's a trooper and up for anything, no matter how crappy she feels.
We took her to a photo studio in the morning for some portraits to be taken. It was really fun (they had a playplace with balls that she liked) and I'll post some of the pictures as soon as I get the CD - tomorrow.
She had a good nap when we got back. The picture is of her waking up.
However, when we took the ribbon from her hair, Mary was left with a "Something About Mary" hairdo...
Too Funny.
Oh my, a ribbon in her hair! Did you have to tape it in like Leigh's ribbons used to be?!?
I love all of the pictures. I wake up to the daily dread of sitting at the computer answering email after email and working on seemingly endless projects. So reading about "Mary Days" is a welcome addition to my normally boring morning routine! Thanks for sharing.
Love you - Kat
Mike and Leigh,
Just realized I could post! First, Congratulations! Mary is too cute for words, and it amazes me that she just seems to know you're her family. She never looks scared or confused, just happy with mom and dad. I can't wait to meet the newest cousin!
Em (Lysaght)
Merry Mary-ing! I love how relaxed she looks with her parents. Congrats and all good wishes and blessings!
Hey guys! Love the daily pics and updates. I shared the one of her in the crib, tipping back the bottle with some friends who replied, “She looks just like you”! I’m not sure what they were implying, but I’ll take any claim to a family resemblance! It’s finally time to start the weekend here. The last without Mary state-side. How very cool. Please give her a big snuggly rub from me and get her working on making those “L” sounds – I know how difficult that can be for young ones.
Love, LaLaLaLaLori
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