Guangzhou Last Day

Our last day in Guangzhou was very busy with a great deal of last-minute shopping, our trip to the US Consulate to get Mary's passport and visa and several attempts at packing. The only constants were our love for Mary and the thought of being home soon. We have a 4:30 wake-up call for a 5:30 trip to the airport. We leave for Hong Kong at 8:30 and on to Chicago at 11:30. We get in to Chicago at 11:45 CT on the 14th and should arrive back in Charlotte at around 4:30 in the afternoon. Though the paperwork and swearing in has taken place, Mary will officially be a US Citizen when we touch down in Chicago.
Today's pictures:
Mary in her Red Sox jacket - the very first gift we got almost two years ago, from the Conroys
Mary on the famed Red Couch with the rest of the kids in our group. You can see she loved it. She doesn't like beds or couches at all.
Our entire travel group.
Us with our Guangzhou guide, Elvin.
Mike with the girls at the shop where we spent most of our money. They thought it was funny that we have no money left for baby food and offered to feed us.
Wow -- she's a born "pink lady." How awesome! Hope you guys have an uneventful and somewhat restful trip home. Can't wait to hear you're back safely and settling into life with all of your other "kids." Byron, Rudy, Sam, and Oscar will love their little sister :o)
Safe travels!
Love - Kat
Mary is such a doll!
Have a wonderful and safe trip home!
P.S. Upon second glance (out of about the 50 I take a day at this blog), I noticed that Mary even has the pink lady stance just right. A little sassy bend of the knee.... Oh boy!
Welcome home little lady! Mike & Leigh - I'm sure you're exhausted, but if you don't post some pics with Mary and her proud grandparents SOON, I'm coming down to charlotte to see for myself...and don't think I won't!!
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