Taken Out Of Context
We took Mary to Charleston last weekend for Mike Dinerman's wedding. My parents, as well as aunt Claire and uncle Waring, met us there to watch her during the rehearsal, ceremony and reception. It was awesome and we took a lot of pictures. However, and I know my sanity will be questioned for this, there was one picture that - when taken out of context - sends a very different (and to me, funny) message. See below.
"Little Mary stands by a broken fountain. When no one is looking, she retrieves the pennies left by others. Because she has none of her own, their wishes become hers. Won't you help Mary find her own wishes? For less than the cost of a cup of coffee..."

Where is Sally Struthers when we need her?
Sorry...I need therapy.
New Old Pics
As it turns out, Katelyn's family - the folks we met at Chuckie Cheese's/Satan's Sanctum - had some more pictures of the girls playing together at the orphanage. What a difference a few months makes!

Mary and Her Sister

Last one...for now (or ever).
When Mary returned from the party at Sydney's house, I was working on the Mustang and she went nuts. It was awesome.
For those of you who think it would be funny to mention how soon she'll actually be driving or how much it might cost to insure the Mustang for a 16-year-old driver in 2021...you can shut your cakeholes. I'm in denial. Get over it.
Mary at Sydney's Party

There's more...
Sunday, after spending Saturday with Katelyn, Mary went to her friend Sydney's first birthday party. Sydney's family lives in our neighborhood and they've become good buddies.
At the party, Mary got her face painted by a clown and got to pet a bird, but she mostly wanted to hang out on Sydney's tricycle and try to look cool despite the tragically uncomfortable position she chose for her pose.
The pictures:
Sydney, the birthday girl.
Mary on the trike.
Mary trying to look cool, chillin' on the trike. That's just how she rolls.
Mary and Katy

As some of you know, Mary had a best friend back at the orphanage. Amazingly, she was adopted by a family that lives just three hours from Charlotte. We decided to get Mary and Katy together and tried to find a convenient low-key location between us and the Andersons.
We met at Chuckie Cheese's. WOW. I would rather spend eight hours with the urologist than two hours at Chuckie Cheese's. BRUTAL.
We did have a really good time and though the meeting didn't produce the Hallmark Moment we were hoping for, with hugs and fluent Chinese being spoken,we'll try to keep getting them together until they are old enough to decide if their's is a bond they want to maintain.
Katy is only about 6 weeks younger than Mary, but Mary looks HUGE by comparison. They also have very different personalities, but the one thing that is obvious is that they both had pretty good care back at the orphanage.
Sunset Beach

Well, I haven't done one of these for a while, and am still not sure how long I will continue to post updates, but here are a bunch...
We took Mary to Sunset Beach a week ago for my father's birthday. It was our first trip - all three of us - since returning from China, and Mary's first time to the ocean. It was really cool (literally) to have my parents, Aunt Claire and Uncle Waring, Aunt Lori, Aunt Susan and Uncle Scott all hanging out for the weekend. Too bad Aunt Julie couldn't be there.
The pictures:
Mary's feet - she didn't LOVE having sand between her toes.
Leigh and Mary, looking like a couple of Kennedys, only sober.
The Whole Crew, also looking like Kennedys, only sober.
Mary and I "in" the water. It was cold...like Pine Point Beach cold.
Mom, allowing Mary to dance on the kitchen counter.
Scott, taking Mary for one of MANY rides during the course of the weekend...probably the highlight for her.
Mary Haircut

Yesterday, Mary got her first professional haircut at a place that specializes in cutting kids' hair. She got to sit in a car while the girl worked. For whatever reason, her hair is growing in about ten different directions, interrupted only by wild cowlicks. She might have to wear her hair long as she get older.
Some pictures:
Mary getting her hair cut.
Mary sporting a ribbon, post-cut.
Mary showing off the new 'do at home.
Weekend Visit

Last weekend, Mary's cousins Caden, Rhys and Callum were in town for a quick visit while their dad, Ian, worked a soccer tournament nearby. Although I am certain each exposed the others to countless germs and questionable behavior, they had a blast. Mary really loves those boys.
A couple of pictures:
Mary taking the base to a ring toy away from cousin Callum.
Leigh attempting to read to all four, though only Rhys seems to be paying attention.

Wow. Two posts in two days! Don't expect that to continue.
However, yesterday, and just about every day, Mary wore her Paddington Bear coat and I wanted everyone to see her in it. Aunt Julie picked it up for her in London and it's become a Mary-favorite.
The other pictures are just there because she's so awesome, the really close one she took herself by accident (I think it was an accident, though it's better than most of the ones I take on purpose).

I know it's been more than a week and some of you are Jonesing for a Mary fix. Well, here are a couple of pictures from yesterday.
Merissa Jones, who works in our Annuals' division took up knitting this year - to go along with jewelry making and magazine design - and made Mary a hat. It's so cool it should distract your attention away from the bump on her lip from face-planting in the toy box.
Mary and the guitar. Yes, that is my guitar - bought several years ago and not played in at least two. Mary is already a more accomplished musician.
This is Mary after having, literally, crashed. She was sitting cross-legged, trying to fight sleep, and tipped over. Leigh, at the risk of waking her, had to get a picture.
Weekend Visit

We had the great pleasure of a well-timed visit from Grammy and Papa Fresina over the weekend. With Mary now fully ambulatory, every moment is its own adventure. We had a great visit - even took Mary to mass on Sunday to hear Leigh cantor and direct the handbell choir. Mary made it all the way to Communion and was able to receive her first blessing from the Communion Minister. She also ate at two restaurants: our favorite, Good Old Days, and also had Sunday brunch at the golf club. She was very well bahaved and has come a long way in the five weeks we've had her in the US.
Some Pictures:
Papa asleep on the couch with his best friend, Byron
Grammy, Papa and Mary
Mary working the sunglasses
Mary on the floor with Papa and Byron