Weekend Visit

Last weekend, Mary's cousins Caden, Rhys and Callum were in town for a quick visit while their dad, Ian, worked a soccer tournament nearby. Although I am certain each exposed the others to countless germs and questionable behavior, they had a blast. Mary really loves those boys.
A couple of pictures:
Mary taking the base to a ring toy away from cousin Callum.
Leigh attempting to read to all four, though only Rhys seems to be paying attention.
What matters is not taking the toy away from Calum but looking quite stylish while doing it!
The boys obviously had a blast, too, and are asking when they can see everyone again. Don't worry, we'll leave a little breathing room between visits. Whew! :o)
And you'll notice that all three of the kids who aren't paying attention to Mom/Aunt Leigh have books of their own. What a gifted group! Especially those 1 1/2-year-olds already reading!
I guess Rhys just wanted to take a break and hear Aunt Peter Pan read to him :o)
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