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As Leigh and I scramble to get even more paperwork together (while she is also just two weeks from playing Peter in Peter Pan - complete with flying), I will continue to post updates about Mary and our process when I have something to share.
For today, a bigger picture and highlights from her Developmental Report:
At one month, she had weak control of her head, was very timid and scared by any sudden movements. She slept 14-20 hours a day and would stop crying when spoken to softly or had her belly rubbed.
At two months, she could lift her head from the bed, flex and contract her muscles and would respond when spoken to - even beginning to smile. She seemed to enjoy listening to music in bed.
At three months, she was able to control her head movement, even looking around. She could roll from a supine position onto her side. She began recognizing care takers and knew to smile during play.
At four months, she could grasp and take a toy from an adult's hand. Her vision and ability to track moving objects improved and she would stretch for bottle during feeding times.
At five months, she began making and imitating sounds. She would touch, shake and beat objects with her hands; learned "peek-a-boo" and smiled at her image in a mirror.
At six months, she became much more demonstrative, making baby talk and "dancing" with her arms and legs when seeing familiar faces. When being held in a standing position, she would "jump" with both legs. She liked noisy toys and began reaching for hanging objects and recognizing tones in voices.
At seven months, she began making simple words and showed increased interest in the surrounding people and objects. She was able to sit steadily and focus on things and toys of interest and act accordingly.
At eight months, she began crawling but had difficulty coordinating her her extremities at first. She learned to look for hidden objects and remember locations, including dropped spoons. Started to imitate others and had strong body movements and reactions to music.
At nine months, she could clap her hands and wave "bye-bye." She understood the meaning of "no" and could identify herself in a mirror. Seemed eager to walk when held in a standing position.
That's what we know from the transation of the report.
Tomorrow: Her daily routine and eating habits.
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