The First Post

Leigh and I are giving this a try as a means of keeping friends and family fully updated on what is going on with the upcoming adoption of our first child, Mary.
We have been through almost a year of preparations that included reading a bunch of books, taking tests, visits from Social Services, background checks, a miserable afternoon at INS, meetings with other families "in the process" and WAITING.
Tom Petty was right, the waiting really is the hardest part.
Once all of the paperwork was finished and sent to Beijing, there was little to do but begin decorating her room (pandas on the walls, above and below) and try to be understanding when people ask for updates everyday when there is nothing to report.
Smiling through the fiftieth, "there's really nothing to tell...still waiting" isn't nearly as hard as keeping a straight face when braindead friends and acquaintances have asked if we intend to tell her she's adopted. What is that all about??
That's it for today's test.
There you go, Leigh, I think I figured it out.

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